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Two female cyclists

Starting training – where to begin

Thank you so much for joining Team Ambitious. We really appreciate your support, and we will be with you every step of the way.

When signing up for an event, the majority of people fall into two categories:

  1. Either super motivated, trainers on, out the door with no real direction. This can often relate to over-training and unfortunate injury.
  2. The other is the 'I’ll start next week’ or ‘worry about it closer to the time’ group. This leads to either cramming in the training (again, often getting injured), feeling under-prepared, and often not enjoying the event.

Neither of these is ideal. Firstly, don’t rush. Here are some things to think about, which will help you with your journey:


Plan ahead

Look at your diary over the upcoming weeks and months, and plan around times when it may be a little hard to train. Holidays, social events, work commitments, etc. It doesn’t mean you don’t train, just that you increase output close to the event, and use it as a recovery period. Also, be honest with how often you can train. Don’t promise yourself to run four times per week, two gym sessions, and a Pilates class if you can’t realistically find the time. It will lead to frustration, demotivation, and lack of progress. Consistency is the key, along with gradual progressive training.


Tell the world

Get your fundraising page set up asap, and post all over social media. When everyone knows what you are training for, and are sponsoring you, it means you are far more committed to training. Also, the sooner you start fundraising the better. You don’t want to stress about hitting the targets close to the event.



It’s really important that you keep a diary for recording your training and evidence of progression. The recorded information should include distance run, time to complete the distance, and how you felt about the workout. This diary can be created on your home computer, phone, or hard copy. You can use a GPS watch or use an app your phone.



Do you need to lose any body fat as part of your plan? Carrying too much extra poundage will slow you down and could lead to injury. We have a whole library of nutrition videos to help you. From setting calories and macronutrients to gut health and hydration.

Do you also need to get to bed earlier to enable you to feel more energised for your training, and help with your training? Could it be beneficial to cut down on alcohol consumption? As with everything, you need to find a balance.


Get organised

Finding some routes you can run and getting a good idea of what the distance of these routes are. The less you have to stop on your run the better. Therefore, try and avoid routes with lots of traffic lights and road crossings. Stopping can disrupt your running rhythm and be annoying if you are out to get a fast time.


Any concerns?  

If you have any worries about your general health before embarking on your training then see your GP for a health check-up.


Get some TLC

Are your muscles feeling tight in your legs and/or back leading to a degree of discomfort when you run? If so, go and see a physiotherapist, sports massage therapist, or other fitness professional. They can help identify the root cause of a problem, treat you appropriately, and give you exercises to help with the maintenance and prevention of niggles showing up.


So, go to a running shop and get some advice on footwear from a professional. Don’t listen to a lot of the spiel, try on a number of pairs and go for comfort! Be consistent with your training, your nutrition, and your lifestyle. 

Have fun and thanks again.