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Behaviours that challenge

Distressed behaviour

Some autistic children and young people can display behaviour that puts themselves - or someone else - at risk. Common examples of this behaviour include:

  • Physically challenging behaviours - such as hitting, biting, spitting or pulling hair.
  • Emotionally challenging behaviours - aggressive shouting or using derogatory language.
  • Self-injurious behaviour - behaviour that harms the individual, such as head-banging, or biting hands or arms.  
  • Pica - which means eating things other than food. This can become self-injurious when an autistic person eats potentially toxic or sharp objects.
  • Smearing - when an autistic young person smears their faeces on walls or objects.  



Not being understood, finding it hard to communicate during a period of sensory overload or high anxiety, exahustion, illness can all lead to distressed behaviour. All behaviour occurs for a reason. Trying to understanding the cause can help us put in place strategies that will help the young person overcome behaviour that could be impacting negatively on themselves and the people or environment around them.  



Not being understood, finding it hard to communicate during a period of sensory overload or high anxiety, exahustion, illness can all lead to distressed behaviour. All behaviour occurs for a reason. Trying to understanding the cause can help us put in place strategies that will help the young person overcome behaviour that could be impacting negatively on themselves and the people or environment Our quality-of-life toolkit provides advice and guidance to families to help identify and manage emotional or behavioural distress.  

If, as a parent or carer you are struggling emotionally, your GP may be able to help. It’s important to take care of yourself in order to support your child. Other services such as Samaritans are there to listen.