How to look after your wellbeing during the cost of living crisis
You might have heard people talk about the cost of living crisis and the problems it is causing.
Cost of living is about the price of things around the world and how much money people have to spend on things they need like:
- food
- fuel
- energy
- care.
Because the cost of these things is going up, many people are having to make difficult decisions on how they spend their money. This is why it is called a cost of living crisis.
The cost of living crisis is affecting everyone around the world, not just those in the UK.
If you’re an older teenager or young person, you may be interested in our advice on getting help if you don’t have enough money to live on. Learn more about the cost of living support available to you.
On this page we’ll offer advice on looking after your wellbeing. You can also view this page in a visual story format.
How the cost of living crisis could affect your wellbeing
The cost of living crisis may affect the wellbeing of yourself and others around you. This can be for several reasons.
- You may have picked up on stress at home or work which has made you feel concerned.
- You may experience isolation and loneliness because you don’t have the money to do things that some of your friends are doing.
- You might feel worried for your family members if they can sense they are worried.
- You may worry that you or your family cannot afford food or a home to live in.
- You may not fully understand the cost of living crisis which has made you jump to the ‘worst case’ scenario.
- You may have picked up on negative news online, such as on social media or through friends.
How can I look after my wellbeing during the cost of living crisis?
Stress and worry can have an impact on your day-to-day life so it’s important to look after your health and wellbeing.
Here are some ways you can look after your wellbeing during the cost of living crisis.
- Speak to someone you trust about how you’re feeling.
- Draw or write down your thoughts in a journal.
- Focus on what you can do rather than focusing on things that are beyond your control.
- Talk to your parents about the cost of living crisis so you can support each other.
- Feelings of worry can sometimes be heightened by news or social media so limit your time engaging with it if it makes you feel overwhelmed.
- Try not to compare your lifestyle to others and celebrate other values, like being kind, over materialistic things.
- Remember – everyone is going through the same thing so you are not alone.
Where to get further mental health support during the cost of living crisis
NHS urgent mental health helplines
This is helpful for people of all ages. Call for:
- 24-hour advice and support
- help to speak to a mental health professional
- an assessment to help decide on the best course of care.
Go to the NHS website to find local NHS urgent health helplines.
The Samaritans offer a confidential telephone support service on a range of issues for people who are experiencing crisis.
Mind helplines offer support by phone and email for people experiencing mental health difficulties. There are also local Mind services which offer face to face support across England. These services include talking therapies, peer support and advocacy.