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Making sense of your autism diagnosis

Getting an autism diagnosis as a young adult can be a moment of huge significance. On one hand it can feel like finally getting answers to questions about yourself, or feelings of difference from others. But an autism diagnosis can also raise many more questions that need answering. 

Lots of young people understandably want further information and support to understand their diagnosis. Yet, we know from speaking to young people that this advice can be hard to come by. 

So, you're autistic?

That’s why our Ambitious Youth Network decided to create resources for young autistic people like themselves. Our collection of videos and blogs, all written or featuring autistic young people themselves, explain diagnosis, autistic identity and everything that surrounds it. 

We have divided the videos based on different experiences – getting diagnosed as a child, as a teenager and as an adult. We hope that there will be an experience that resonates with everyone, wherever you are on your journey.

Getting diagnosed in childhood

Watch Robert, Geoffrey, and Patrick explain their experience after being diagnosed with autism as children.


Robert was diagnosed when he was two years old. Hear how his diagnosis helps him achieve a positive work environment. 


Geoffrey was diagnosed when he was seven years old. He explains the benefits of specialist schooling, and how meeting others with autism helped him understand his diagnosis. 


Patrick was diagnosed when he was ten years old. Hear how Patrick’s life was changed by his diagnosis, helping him to become kinder to himself.  

Getting diagnosed in your teenage years

Georgia, Peter, and Emily explain their experience of being diagnosed as autistic when they were teenagers.


Georgia was diagnosed at 14 years old. Listen to Georgia’s negative experience in initially researching autism, and how through a diagnosis she now feels comfortable asking for support and has gained a better group of friends as a result. 


Peter was diagnosed when he was 15 years old. Listen to Peter's experience of being told that ‘he didn't look autistic’, and how even years after his diagnosis he is still learning about what autism is. 


Emily was diagnosed when she was 15 years old. Emily explains how receiving an autism diagnosis is not ‘the end of the world’, and how a diagnosis helped her school see her as autistic rather than ‘badly behaved’. 

Getting diagnosed in adulthood

In these videos Mai, Meg, Aishah and Lucy share their experience of being diagnosed as young adults.


Mai was diagnosed when she was 19 years old. Hear how a diagnosis helped Mai understand her past behaviours and gave her the tools to explain to others why she can struggle in social situations.  


Meg was diagnosed when she was 21 years old. Hear how a diagnosis gave Meg the confidence to take on new opportunities and become motivated to help others with disabilities. 



Aishah was diagnosed when they were 21 years old. Aishah explains how stereotypes about autistic people can be harmful, and how an autism diagnosis is now a desirable ‘new trend’.


Lucy was diagnosed when she was 23 years old. Lucy emphasises the need for socialising as many diagnosed with autism can feel quite isolated, and how everyone ‘deserves to be themselves’.   

Join the Ambitious Youth Network

The Ambitious Youth Network is an online platform that connects young people aged 13-25 with other autistic young people on the network, Ambitious about Autism youth patrons and young people involved with the Autism Education Trust.