For every pledge signature, Vanish will donate £10 to Ambitious about Autism up to a maximum of £50,000. This money will help support our work to create a world where autistic people are heard, included, and supported.
Sign the pledge
When you sign the pledge, you recognise that for many autistic people, clothes are more than JUST clothes. Just follow these four simple steps:
J - Leave JUDGEMENT out of the clothing choices of others.
U - Build UNDERSTANDING around autism and how clothes can impact life.
S - See clothes as SENSORY tools that can provide regulation.
T - Help everyone THRIVE by accommodating their clothing needs.
Show your support on social media
Suggested message
I’ve signed the More Than Just Clothes pledge to recognise the clothing needs of autistic people, to help them thrive. Join me, sign up, and help spread the word! #MoreThanJustClothes.
Download our sharable assets
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Over half of autistic pupils say school uniform makes school a daily challenge
1 in 3 autistic people decide not to apply for a job because of a mandatory uniform policy
46% of autistic people choose not to participate in games and sports where you have to wear a kit
40% of autistic people have decided to miss a social event because of the dress code
We can all help autistic people to thrive
Download our support packs to see how you can use JUST every day. With helpful tips and learning, and a downloadable poster.
Clothes are more than just clothes
For every pledge signature, Vanish will donate £10 to Ambitious about Autism up to a maximum of £50,000. This money will help support their work to create a world where autistic people are heard, included, and supported.
Clothes are more than just clothes, so keeping those special items looking and feeling the same for longer really matters. Discover more about how Vanish can provide the ultimate clothing care through laundry with our best ways to wash.
Watch last year’s film that blends drama and documentary to tell 15 year old Ash’s story.
Join the conversation
Understanding yourself, sharing your experiences and finding support is really important.
Join our networks to connect with other autistic young people or fellow parents and carers.
All statistics and quotes are from our amazing community.
Source: Ambitious about Autism and Vanish, 2024, sample size of 350 autistic people and their network.