Careers and employability professionals

Careers education, information, advice and guidance plays a critical role in helping autistic people determine their next step - whether that be further study, volunteering, employment or an apprenticeship. Currently, less than a quarter of young people move on to further education or training after school.
Together we can improve the training or employment outcomes for autistic people, helping them to recognise their value in the workplace. We want to support careers and employability professionals to increase their confidence in creating impactful careers interventions whilst autistic young people are at school or college, through good careers education programmes and appropriate advice and guidance.
Our offer
For careers and employability professionals in educational settings
The Autism Careers Education Framework is an online interactive guide which has been created for careers leaders and other professionals, supporting them to create tangible resources and guidance to ensure effective careers education for autistic young people.
For careers and employability professionals offering advice and guidance
We also deliver training to develop your understanding of autism, building your confidence and knowledge so that you can provide appropriate support to your autistic clients.
Understanding autism for careers professionals training course has been developed in partnership with the Careers Development Institute and will support those who are offering careers advice or guidance in a range of settings.
Once you have completed the training you will be able to:
- develop and adapt your careers information and guidance sessions for your autistic clients
- receive details of the most up-to-date work placement opportunities from us
- identify autistic people who would benefit from a work experience placement to develop their skills, confidence and identify their career aspirations
- refer and support candidates to successfully apply for the programme
- share learning and contacts to increase the reach of the programme to more autistic people.
Ready to join the network? Sign up and the team will be in touch.
Careers and employability professionals can access a one-day training course on Understanding Autism for Careers Professionals, delivered by our experienced team.
Sign up to receive notifications of these sessions as they become available to book on to.
We have a team of experienced professionals who can attend your careers fairs, parents' evenings or arrange a bespoke event specifically for your autistic students.
In addition, we can work with you and your students to apply for vacancies and include their experience as part of their study programme or academic requirements.
Our aim is to support young people to develop employability skills to prepare them for their careers, and to work with employers so they have a better understanding of autism. The result is an increase in people with autism in work, but the focus of the programme is on preparation through developing employability skills.
The future destination for every young person who takes part in the programme is different. For some young people it might be further learning, an apprenticeship or paid employment.
Our evaluation shows that 84% of our interns progress to a positive destination, which will have a positive impact on outcomes for your students or clients. We continue to work with interns following their placements to provide longer term positive outcomes.
We work with a range of other organisations to help professionals deliver an autism-friendly service.
These organisations include: