Connecting young people

Connecting young people
Young people are at the heart of everything we do. We listen to them to ensure our work reflects their views and needs. We stand with them and ensure their voices are heard and considered by policy and decision-makers, the media and the general public.
Through our Ambitious Youth Network and project work we bring autistic young people together to tackle isolation and loneliness, understand their autistic identity and have their voices heard. We have seen young people from across England grow together and become firm friends.
Why is youth participation important?
Youth participation is important to us because we believe that better decisions are made, and better outcomes are achieved when people are involved in decisions made about their lives.
The participation team is here to listen and respond to autistic young people and we exist to support them to make their views and opinions heard.
To contact the participation team please email
Are you looking for advice or casework?
Our participation team offer young people opportunities to have their voices heard and to change things for the better. The team do not offer key-working, family support, advice or casework, but you can find lots of information across our website, including content written by, and for autistic children and young people.