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Our strategy

Time for Ambition

Our two-year strategy 2024 – 26 

We stand with autistic children and young people,

champion their rights and create opportunities.

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Progress towards equality for autistic children and young people has been made. We’re proud of our role in this. That progress now hangs in the balance. A perfect storm of economic and political uncertainty, reduced resources, a continuing lack of understanding and a failure to prioritise autism means the next few years are critical. 


Acceptance and the right support at the right time – that’s all we ask. We see a world where autistic children and young people can be themselves and realise their ambitions.

Time for Ambition 

Our Time for Ambition strategy was developed with input from a wide range of key internal and external stakeholders, listening carefully to the voices of autistic young people and their families and carers. 

We have reflected on the progress made against the objectives we set. While we can see that a lot has been achieved, we know there is still more to be done in each strategy area.

That’s why we have extended our Time for Ambition strategy for a further two years, 2024–26. 

This will enable us to grow our impact, reach more autistic children and young people, their families and carers, and build our evidence base when influencing for positive change


More than one in 100 people in the UK are autistic.
Girls are three times less likely to receive an autism diagnosis than boys.
Just 29% of autistic people are in full-time or part-time employment, the lowest rate of employment of all disabled groups.
Four in five autistic young people experience a mental health issue.

How we're going to do it

We want even more autistic children and young people to have happy and fulfilling lives that give them dignity, respect and compassion. 

Over the next three years, we will continue to build on our core expertise in education and employability while engaging more than ever before in the other areas that are essential for autistic children and young people to lead a fulfilling life, such as having supportive families and relationships, good health and wellbeing and being active citizens in their communities. 

For autistic children and young people to truly thrive they need holistic support in all areas of their lives. But sadly many basic rights that we take for granted are denied to them. We want young people to have equal access not just to excellent education and employment, but also to decent healthcare, and the opportunity to build and maintain friends and family relationships.

Jolanta Lasota, Chief Executive 

What we'll do

We will continue to build on our core expertise in education and employability while engaging more than ever before in the other areas that are essential for autistic children and young people to lead a fulfilling life, such as having supportive families and relationships, good health and wellbeing and being active citizens in their communities.  


Our values

Autistic children and young people are at the heart of everything that we do. 

We are ambitious
We are ambitious

for autistic children and young people and our work.

We celebrate difference
We celebrate difference

creating a world where everyone belongs.

We are open
We are open

to new approaches, in how we make decisions, and engage with our community. 

We work together
We work together

with autistic children and young people, parents and carers, our partners and staff to maximise impact and reach.

We love learning
We love learning

and commit to learn from our successes and mistakes; sharing knowledge, expertise and resources.

Now is the time for change. Now, is the time for ambition.

Download a more detailed version of our strategy and learn more about what we hope to achieve over the next three years.

Download our strategy in full


Make a donation

Our work would not be possible without your support and generous donations.  

Donate today to help create a future where every autistic child and young person can be themselves and realise their ambitions. 

Donate now

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